Table 1. Search string used to search Embase® via Ovid® database for articles about honey bees, antimicrobial resistance, and environmental and/or climatic factors.
Component | Search Terms |
Honey Bees | (bee OR bees OR honey?bee* OR honeybee* OR honey OR beekeep* OR apiar* OR arvicide* OR apis mellifera OR apidae OR (hive AND (health OR success OR collapse OR product* OR stability))) |
AND | |
AMR | (((resistan* OR stewardship) AND (antibiotic* OR antimicrobial* OR anti-microbial* OR anti-bacterial* OR antibacterial* OR anti?viral* OR antiviral* OR anti?fungal* OR antifungal* OR anti?helminthic* OR antihelminthic* OR anthelmintic* OR anti?parasitic* OR antiparasitic* OR parasiticide* OR biocid* OR antiseptic* OR disinfectant* OR sterilant* OR sterili?er* OR chemosterilant* OR multidrug OR multi?drug)) OR AMR OR XDR OR TDR OR super?bug* OR superbug*) |
AND | |
Climatic Factors | ((climat* adj15 (chang* OR model?ing OR predict* OR resilience OR sensitivity)) OR (environment* adj15 chang*) OR climate variability OR climatic variability OR global warm* OR greenhouse effect OR climate disaster OR (storm NOT (electrical OR autonomic OR thyroid*)) OR wind OR atmospheric pressure OR season* OR precipitation OR snow* OR ice OR humid* OR rain* OR flood OR drought OR wildfire* OR (heat adj15 (wave* OR extreme* OR event)) OR temperature* OR cool OR cold OR weather OR ultraviolet radiation OR UV OR El Nino-Southern Oscillation OR El Nino OR La Nina) |
OR | |
Environmental Factors | (air pollut* OR persistent organic pollut* OR particulate matter OR atmospheric contamin* OR atmospheric pollut* OR volatile organic compound* OR volatile organic pollutant OR VOC OR VOCS OR ambient air pollution OR household air pollution OR criteria air pollutant* OR biological air pollutant* OR physical pollutant* OR chemical pollutant* OR gases OR ((fossil fuel OR arvicid*) AND pollut*) OR ((air OR water* OR soil) AND (contamin* OR toxic* OR environment* health OR quality OR disease* OR particulate* OR metal OR metals OR lead OR lead?II* OR Pb OR pb?+ OR zinc* OR Zn OR Zn?+ OR silver* OR Ag OR Ag+ OR copper* OR Cu OR Cu?+ OR Gallium* OR Ga OR Ga?+ OR cobalt* OR Co OR Co?+ OR Mercury* OR Hg OR Hg?+ OR Arsenic* OR As OR As?+ OR Nickel* OR Ni OR Ni?+ OR vehicle* OR automobile* OR exhaust OR motorway* OR roadway* OR highway* OR freeway* OR road* OR traffic OR urban OR Nox OR nitrogen oxides OR ozone OR particle*)) OR dust OR dusts OR PM?2?5 OR PM?10 OR ultrafine particle* OR polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon* OR PAH OR POPS OR smog OR water pollut* OR (water* AND (potable OR healthy OR drink* OR safe OR suitab* OR palatable OR edible OR tap OR fresh OR supply OR microbial contamina*)) OR waterborne OR water?borne OR aquifer OR groundwater OR pesticid* OR herbicid* OR insecticid* OR acaricid* OR fungicid* OR molluscacid* OR larvicid* OR fumigant OR anti?fouling agent* OR agricultural chemical* OR agrochemical* OR (defoliant* AND (chemical* OR agent*)) OR (hazardous AND substance*) OR (toxic AND action*) OR chemically?induced disorder* OR furfural OR aculeximycin OR aluminum phosphide OR chromated copper arsenate OR CCA OR creosote) |