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. 2022 Feb 4;18(2):e1009860. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009860

Table 1. Data used for the scaffolding experiments, including short and long reads from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and reads from two different individual humans.

The Illumina reads were paired-end reads of a fixed length. N50 read length is computed by summing all read lengths, and determining the value N50 such that 50% of that total length is covered by reads of N50 or longer.

Number of reads Genome coverage N50 read length
A. thaliana
Illumina 46,129,480 115x 300
PacBio P6-C4 3,448,228 118x 7,205
H. sapiens CHM13
Oxford Nanopore 29,468,868 118x 56,695
H. sapiens HG01243
Illumina paired-end 1,307,137,030 59x 150
PacBio CLR 23,672,554 113x 28,837
Oxford Nanopore 16,239,849 58x 44,052