Methods for Examining Feasibility of Implementing Interventions
Examples of Feasibility Data
Sources |
Step | Definition/Indicators | Quantitative | Qualitative |
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Can Interventionists be Recruited, Trained, and Retained? | |||
Recruit interventionists | Job description, sources of interventionists, qualifications, difficulties recruiting (44) | Administrative data: # recruited | Administrative data: difficulties finding interventionists |
Train interventionists | Develop standardized training protocol, training manual (+ accompanying participant program manual); conduct training sessions (44) | Administrative data: # starting and completing
training; adherence to training sessions Observer ratings: training observation checklist Structured ratings by trainees: training quality |
Semi-structured (open-ended) interviews: usefulness of training, suggestions for improvement of training, satisfaction with training |
Assess interventionist competence | Assess outcomes of training, post training knowledge, core skills (44,45) | Knowledge test after training; observer ratings of interventionist’s skill acquisition; certification | |
Retain interventionists | Interventionists stay to the end of the intervention (46) | Administrative data: # retained through intervention | Administrative data: reasons for loss of interventionists |
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Can Interventionists Deliver the Intervention as Intended (per protocol)? | |||
Treatment fidelity (NIH Behavior Change Consortium) | Intervention delivered with fidelity to protocol; protocol defined by program manual, study protocol, and training manual; difficulties delivering intervention; consistency of delivery across interventionists (28,44) | Structured fidelity ratings or intervention delivery checklists by observers (direct observation or audio/video taping of sessions) | Reasons for non-fidelity |
Feedback to interventionists, and ongoing training during intervention | System for giving feedback to interventionists when fidelity ratings are low; re-train or provide technical assistance as needed; possibly modify intervention; ongoing training and recertification (47,48) | Administrative data: amount of feedback and provision of additional interventionist training | Description of intervention components requiring feedback or additional training. |
Feedback from interventionists | Design method to identify program components that are hard to implement, challenges delivering intervention, components needing more time to deliver (44,46) | Feedback surveys completed by participants and interventionists after each session | Debriefing or focus groups of interventionists during or after pilot study; open-ended queries about difficulties |
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Are the Treatment Conditions (Intervention and Control) Acceptable to Participants and Interventionists? | |||
Acceptability –before intervention | Formative research prior to designing intervention to determine needs of target population, how intervention could address needs (27) | Structured interviews/surveys | Focus groups, semi-structured interviews |
Acceptability –after intervention | Post-intervention debriefing about program overall and specific components: usefulness, ease of use, burden, comprehensibility, most/least helpful components, met expectations, suggestions for improvement, intent to continue behaviors (15, 27, 28, 46, 49, 50) | Structured ratings | Focus groups, semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions |
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Will Participants Adhere to and Engage in the Intervention Components? | |||
Adherence/receipt of intervention | Track participant attendance/adherence and reasons for non-adherence; identify minimum adherence rate (15, 46, 49) | Tracking data: % completing intervention, # sessions completed | Tracking data: reasons for non-adherence (related or not to intervention) |
Engagement in intervention | Track participant completion of each component, level of engagement; have interventionists rate skills mastery; open-ended reports of difficulties engaging (27, 44, 49, 50) | % completing homework, practicing exercises, mastering skills; understanding material at each session | Open-ended queries about ability to engage in each component. |
Retention | Track dropout/retention (50) | Number of dropouts, number completing final assessment | Reasons for dropout (related or not to intervention) |