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. 2022 Feb 17;59(2):2100746. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00746-2021


Change in trough percentage predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s (ppFEV1) and lung clearance index (LCI) after 4 weeks of treatment with BI 1265162 (BI) 200 µg twice daily: final analysis

Patients, n Trough ppFEV1 (TS) LCI (ANCOVA)+ p-value#
Change from baseline 95% CI# Change from baseline 95% CI#
 Placebo 18 –1.0±1.70 –4.5–2.4
 BI 200 µg 16 0.5±1.77 –3.2–4.1
 BI 200 µg versus placebo 1.5±2.45 –3.5–6.5 0.5468
 Placebo 6 –1.3±1.01 –3.7–1.2
 BI 200 µg 3 0.8±1.46 –2.8–4.4
 BI 200 µg versus placebo 2.1±1.83 –2.4–6.5 0.3039
Sensitivity analyses
 MMRM, pre-specified¶,§
  Placebo 17 –0.4±1.65 –3.8–3.0
  BI 200 µg 15 2.3±1.78 –1.4–6.0
  BI 200 µg versus placebo 2.7±2.43 –2.3–7.7 0.2761
 Quantile regression, post hoc
  All visitsƒ
   Placebo 17 54.6±2.2## 50.2–59.0
   BI 200 µg 16 58.6±1.8## 54.8–62.3
   BI 200 µg versus placebo 4.0±2.8## –1.8–9.7 0.1728
  Visit data excluded§,ƒ
   Placebo 14 53.8±2.5## 48.7–58.9
   BI 200 µg 12 59.4±2.0## 55.3–63.5
   BI 200 µg versus placebo 5.7±3.5## –1.6–12.9 0.1193

Data are presented as adjusted mean±se, unless otherwise stated. MMRM: mixed model for repeated measures; TS: treated set; ANCOVA: analysis of covariance; N2MBWS: nitrogen multiple-breath washout set. #: confidence intervals and p-values are provided for reference only and inference should not be drawn; : adjusted mean based on MMRM with fixed effects for baseline, visit, treatment, treatment-by-visit interaction, baseline-by-visit interaction, and random effect for patient; +: adjusted mean based on ANCOVA with fixed effects for baseline and treatment; §: data from visits were excluded based on adverse events that might have affected pulmonary function tests, compliance, and unacceptable pulmonary function test quality at baseline and/or baseline condition considered as important protocol deviation; ƒ: estimate of median is using overall median of baseline; ##: data presented as median estimate±se.