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. 2022 Feb 7;20(2):113–127. doi: 10.1016/j.jesf.2022.02.001

Table 1.

Characteristics of Aquatic High Intensity Interval training.

Author Type of water training Characteristics of AHIIT intervention
Pool (Type & temperature) Depth (immersion level) Description of AHIIT (work-rest ratio) High intensity measurement Adverse events recorded
Times per week Number of weeks Time for each session (min)
L. S. Andrade et al., 2020a Water based exercise program (stationary running, frontal kick and cross-country skiing) 2 12 44 Pool of a sports club linked to university of water temp 30 °C −32 °C, Between xiphoid process and shoulder 2min-2min RPE 17.3–18.9 corresponds to 80–89% VO2 peak Nil
L. S. Andrade et al., 2020b Water based exercise program (stationary running, frontal kick and cross-country skiing) 2 12 44 Pool of a sports club linked to university of water temp 30 °C −32 °C, Between xiphoid process and shoulder 2min-2min RPE 17.3–18.9 corresponds to 80–89% VO2 peak Nil
Bento et al., 2014 1. Upper and lower limbs water aerobic exercise
2. Strengthening lower limb muscles using aquatic resistance devices
3 12 60 Indoor swimming pool of water temp 28 °C −30 °C Xyphoid process 1.40s-20s
2.2–3 sets of exercise with 8–12 RM and 2 min rest
Exercises executed without the feet contacting the bottom of the pool to increase the exercise intensity NR
Broman et al., 2006 Deep water running with vest 2 8 48 27 °C Shoulder level 10min-2min >75% maximal HR Nil
Connolly et al., 2016 All out free style swimming (front crawl) 3 15 15–25 NR Head out swim 30s-2min Mean HR and peak HR are 86 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% HR max in high intensity interval group Nil
Costa et al., 2018 Water aerobic exercises (9 upper limbs and lower limbs exercises) 2 12 45 Swimming pool of the university Xiphoid process NR BORG 15 NR
Aboarrage Junior et al., 2018 Jump based aquatic exercise program 3 24 30 Aquatic centre of pool temp 29 °C Xiphoid process 30s-30s All-out intensity, self-selected maximal intensity Nil
Junior et al., 2018 Aquatic exercises (a) jumping jacks (b) horizontal adduction and abduction of the shoulder; (c) stationary running with knee NR NR 45 Pool temp 29 °C Xiphoid process 30s-1min 60–89% HRR (Vigorous intensity) Nil
Mohr et al., 2015 All out free style swimming (front crawl) 2.9 (0.1) 15 15–25 NR Head out swim 30s-2min Mean HR and peak HR are 86 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% HR max in high intensity interval training group Nil
Mohr et al., 2014 High Intensity Sprint swimming 2.9 (0.5) 15 15–25 NR Head out swim 30s-120s Mean HR and peak HR are 86 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% HR max in high intensity interval training group Nil
Moreira et al., 2014 Strength and power exercise and aquatic cardiorespiratory training 3 24 50–60 Covered swimming pool, with water temp 30-31 °C Water depths 1.1–1.3 m 1. Two sets of 30s each
2. Three sets of 20 s each,
3. Four sets of 15 s each,
4. 5 sets of 10s each
1. 60% HR max in 16 min of session 5–9,
2. 70% HR max in 13 min of session in weeks 10–14,
3. 80% HR max in 9 min session in weeks 15–19,
4. 90% HR max in 7 min session in weeks 20–24,
Moreira et al., 2013 Strength and power exercise and aquatic cardiorespiratory training 3 24 50–60 Covered swimming pool, with water temp 30-31 °C Water depths 1.1–1.3 m 1. Two sets of 30s each
2. Three sets of 20 s each,
3. Four sets of 15 s each,
4. 5 sets of 10s each
1. 60% HR max in 16 min of session 5–9,
2. 70% HR max in 13 min of session in weeks 10–14,
3. 80% HR max in 9 min session in weeks 15–19,
4. 90% HR max in 7 min session in weeks 20–24,
Munukka et al., 2019 Lower limbs aquatic resistance training 2.6(0.5) 16 60 Heated pool, 30-32 °C NR 2 sets × 30 reps to 3 sets x 30–45 reps, with rest period 30–45s -Average Intensity of each session RPE 15 (12–17), HRmax 144 (12) bpm
-Intensity of training set at "as hard and fast as possible
-Two medical consultations (bilateral knee pain and dyspnoea) after training
Munukka et al., 2016 Lower limbs aquatic resistance training 2.6(0.5) 16 60 Heated pool, 30-32 °C NR 2 sets × 30 reps to 3 sets x 30–45 reps, with rest period 30–45s -Average Intensity of each session RPE 15 (12–17), Max HR144 (12) bpm
-Intensity of training set at "as hard and fast as possible
-Two medical consultations (bilateral knee pain and dyspnoea) after training
Nordsborg et al., 2015 All out free style swimming (front crawl) 3 15 15–25 NR Head out swim 30s-2min Mean HR and peak HR are 86 ± 3 and 96 ± 1% HR max in high intensity interval training group Nil
Ryzkova et al., 2018 Aqua-fitness program: HIIT program 2 10 50 Pool at the university of water-temperature of 28 °C Central chest area up to shoulder 20s-10s High intensity training zone >80% HR reserve NR
Samadi et al., 2019 AHIIT training (20 min, quick movements of body) 3 12 30 NR NR 20s-10s 80–95% HR max NR
Waller et al., 2017 Lower limbs aquatic resistance training 2.6 (0.5) 16 60 Heated pool, 30-32 °C NR 2 sets × 30 reps to 3 sets x 30–45 reps, with rest period 30–45 s in between sets -Average Intensity of each session RPE 15 (12–17), HR max144 (12) bpm
-Intensity of training set at "as hard and fast as possible"
-Two medical consultations (bilateral knee pain and dyspnoea) after training

BORG, Borg scale of perceived exertion; bpm, beats per minute; HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training; HR, heart rate; HRmax, maximal heart rate; Min, minute; NR, not recorded; temp, temperature; RPE, rate of perceived exertion; reps, repetitions; s, second.