Figure 2.
Comparison of MTJ proteome with muscle and tendon samples
(A) Volcano plot displaying the comparison of M/T vs MTJ proteome. Orange and red indicate differentially down- and upregulated proteins in the MTJ, respectively.
(B) Volcano plot displaying the comparison of T vs MTJ proteome. Blue and red indicate differentially down- and upregulated proteins in the MTJ, respectively.
(C) Venn diagram displaying the overlap between the upregulated proteins in A and B.
(D) Scatter plot showing the fold change of common proteins in both pair-comparisons (A and B). In red, proteins differentially upregulated in both comparisons (also red in A and B).
(E) Fisher‘s exact test enrichment of the 112 upregulated proteins in both comparisons (in red in D) in comparison to all the common proteins (all proteins plotted in D). Student’s T-test (FDR = 0.05, s0 = 0.01) with permutation-based FDR (false discovery rate) correction. Fisher Exact Test cut-off: 0.02. Abbreviations: M/T: muscle-tendon sample type; MTJ: myotendinous junction sample type; T: tendon sample type; GOCC: gene ontology cellular component.