Conditioning SA on MDD reduces genetic correlation with psychiatric phenotypes but has limited effect on other traits. (A) Comparison of significant genetic correlations with the SA-EUR vs. genetic correlations with SA-EUR∣MDD. Data include 198 significant genetic correlations after Bonferroni correction (p < .05/768 = 6.51 × 10−5) annotated by risk category. (B) Top 30 phenotypes with the most significant genetic correlations with SA-EUR before (gray) and after (red) conditioning on MDD (SA-EUR∣MDD). Full genetic correlation results, including standard errors, are provided in Table S14 in Supplement 2. GP, general practitioner; MDD, major depressive disorder; SA, suicide attempt; SA-EUR, European-only suicide attempt meta-analysis; SA-EUR∣MDD, SA-EUR results after conditioning on major depressive disorder.