Figure 1. Dexamethasone, LLC cancer cachexia, and aging all induce myofiber atrophy.
(A) Dexamethasone-treated mice display a trend toward decreased body weight with decreased mass of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle. Dexamethasone induces a significant decrease in the mean myofiber size, which is significant for type 2B myofibers.
(B) Also, tumor-bearing mice display a significant decrease in the size of type 2B myofibers.
(C) The total number of type 2X myofibers significantly decreases and is indicative of a shift in proportion from type 2X toward type 2B myofibers during aging. Mean myofiber size is significantly reduced and, as observed for dexamethasone treatment and cancer cachexia, the size of type 2B myofibers is the most affected. Representative images of TA muscle cross-sections are shown (right) with myofiber types determined by immunostaining for myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, i.e., for type 2A (green) and 2B (red) MHC; type 2X (black) myofibers are myofibers unstained for type 2A and type 2B isoforms. Myofiber boundaries are shown in white based on laminin immunostaining.