Fig 5. Cryo-EM map at 9.6 Å resolution of POT1 with fitted crystal structures indicates an alternative open conformation.
(A) Simulated 8 Å maps generated with Chimera for POT1 OB1 (magenta) and OB2 (green) fitted into the 9.6 Å cryo-EM map suggest the two domains exist in an open/extended conformation. (B) Cartoon representation of full-length POT1 (yellow) bound by the PBD of TPP1 (blue) fitted into the 9.6 Å cryo-EM map. (C) Comparison between closed and open conformations of full-length POT1 complexed to the PBD of TPP1 observed through cryo-EM. The distance between the centres of OB1 and OB2 is increased by about 5 Å in the open conformation compared to the closed conformation.