Figure 7. Mature enterocytes express homeostatic interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) in public single-cell datasets from mouse and human.
(A–B) A mouse intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) single-cell transcriptional dataset (Haber et al., 2017) (GSE92332) was analyzed to determine the percentage of each epithelial cell subtypes that express homeostatic ISGs. (A) Heatmap depicting the proportion of each epithelial cell type expressing 19 of the 21 homeostatic ISGs identified in Figure 1. (B) Enterocyte subtypes (blue text) and crypt-resident progenitor subtypes (green text) cells were grouped and the percentage of cells that express each homeostatic ISG was compared. (C–D) A human IEC single-cell transcriptional dataset (Elmentaite et al., 2020) (E-MTAB-8901) was analyzed for the percentage of epithelial cell subtypes that express homeostatic ISGs. (C) A heatmap depicting the percentage of IEC subtypes that express human orthologs of murine homeostatic ISGs identified in Figure 1. (D) The mature enterocyte subtype (blue text) and crypt-resident progenitor subtypes (green text) were grouped and the percentage of cells that express each homeostatic ISG was compared. Lines in (B) and (D) link paired ISGs in each IEC subset. Statistical significance in (B) and (D) was calculated by Wilcoxon test where * = p < 0.05, and *** = p < 0.001.