Transverse sections showing IHC for PAX7 in multiple stages of quail, chick, and peafowl embryos in (A–C) HH7, (D–F) HH8, (G–I) HH9, and (J–L) HH11. Dorsal is to the top and ventral is to the bottom. PAX7 expressed in all organisms by HH7 in the neural plate border (A–C), remains in the dorsal neural tube during neurulation (D–F), is expressed in premigratory and migratory NC cells (G–I), and is maintained in the dorsal neural tube and migratory NC cells (J–K). Scale bars are 50 μm and are as marked in first panel of each row. (M) The number of PAX7+ cells were quantified for HH8 and HH9, p = 0.001 between quail and peafowl, and p = 0.0002 between chick and peafowl, but no statistical difference was observed between chick and quail at HH8 (p = 0.990) or between any species at HH9 (p = 0.654 for chick and quail, p = 0.675 for chick and peafowl, and p = 0.999 for quail and peafowl). Ordinary one-way ANOVA statistical test used. (N) Neural tube size comparison at HH8. Chick dorsal-ventral (DV) compared to quail or peafowl DV is not significant, but width of the quail neural tube is larger than chick. Ordinary one-way ANOVA statistical test used (DV, p = 0.9756 and W, p = 0.002). (O) Neural tube size comparison at HH9. The DV and width of the neural tubes are no longer statistically significant. Ordinary one-way ANOVA statistical test used (DV, p = 0.3783 and W, p = 0.7398). Scale bar is marked in the first image of each row.