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. 2022 Feb 17;27(7):2002060. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.7.2002060

Table 2. Ranking of countries by COVID-19 deaths per million and excess deaths per million, 28 June 2020a .

  Country COVID-19 deaths per million   Country/state/town Excess deaths per million
  Belgium 830   New York City, US 2,222
  Spain 606 New York State, US 1,599
UK 593   Spain 1,010
  Italy 574   Italy 857
  Sweden 539   Belgium 755
  France 456 UK 742
  US 379   Netherlands 574
  Netherlands 356   France 470
  Germany 107 NA

COVID-19: coronavirus disease; NA: not applicable; UK: United Kingdom; US: United States.

a Data was obtained from Our World in Data [1].