(A–F) Hearing levels at a range of frequencies and multiple ages for each individual. (A and B) Audiograms of right and left ears of the patient (N05) between 3 and 8 years showing onset of mild hearing loss at low frequencies at age 6. Note a progression each year in high frequencies. (C and D) Audiograms of right and left ears of the patient (N08) between 4 and 19 years. Note the presence of hearing loss at 4 years of age, and the tented shape and gradual progression across frequencies over the years. (E and F) Audiograms of right and left ears of the patient (N07) between 6 and 36 years showing onset of hearing loss at age 8 years, normal levels at 9 years, and subsequent drop in hearing at 11 years, affecting the right ear first. Note the skew toward loss of high frequencies and the marked jump of thresholds in adolescence in this patient. (G and H) Change over time in hearing levels at selected, speech-relevant, frequencies in 4 individuals.