Figure 6. Pathological neutrophil priming in COVID-19 escapes treatment with dexamethasone.
(A) Probability of survival following admission to ICU (day 0) to 90 days in patients with COVID-19 whose neutrophils produced high (> cohort median) or low (< cohort median) levels of NETs. P = 0.167 by log-rank test. (B) Quantification of NET production (area per field of covered by NETs) by neutrophils from patients with COVID-19 ARDS who received dexamethasone treatment (n = 10) versus those who did not (n = 4). Dots represent individual patients at ICU admission, bars represent median, and whiskers represent the range; P = 0.1059 by Mann-Whitney U test. (C–E) Mass cytometry analysis of neutrophils from patients with COVID-19 ARDS who received dexamethasone treatment (n = 10) versus those who did not (n = 9), showing (C) expression levels of selected neutrophil surface and intracellular markers, (D) relative abundance of neutrophils clusters in individual patient samples determined by FlowSOM analysis, and (E) principal component analysis of neutrophils. P = 0.6852 by permutational multivariate ANOVA test.