Figure 3. scRNA-Seq study on ISO-induced myocardial immune responses.
(A) Ten distinct cell clusters were identified from the total of 11,078 cells. (B) Heatmap of the top 50 marker genes for each cluster. Selected cell type–specific markers are labeled. (C) UMAP of control and TTS cells. (D) Proportion of cell clusters before and after ISO administration. (E) Two subsets were identified (designated 0 and 1) from cardiac macrophages (Mac). (F) Proportion of Mac subclusters before and after ISO. (G) Violin plots showing expression of Mac marker genes in 2 subclusters. Three mouse hearts were pooled in each group (n = 3). Ccr2, a marker of cardiac infiltrating Macs; EC, endothelial cell; Fibro, fibroblast; Itgam, also known as Mac-1, a common marker of macrophages; Lyve1, marker of cardiac resident macrophages; Neu, neutrophil; Tim4, marker of cardiac resident macrophages.