(A) Free-viewing task. Images presented to the monkeys included real-word photographs, paintings, cartoons, and abstract patterns. Identical images were presented during both control (top, gold shading in IPS) and inactivation blocks (bottom, blue shading in IPS). (B) Example image presented to one monkey during a control (top) and inactivation block (bottom). Circles indicate regions of fixation and the lines indicate saccades. The origin of the coordinate system indicates the initial fixation of the monkey at the onset of the image. (C) Change in fixation densities across the population of images for Monkey J (top) and Monkey Q (bottom). The left part of the color maps corresponds to the visual field contralateral to the inactivated PPC, in head-centered coordinates. (D) Double-target, choice task. Two targets were presented at varying temporal onset asynchronies; contralateral targets could trail (-) or lead (+) ipsilateral targets. (E) Example experimental session for one monkey. Target choice functions during control and during PPC inactivation are plotted in gold and blue, respectively. Positive values denote contralateral leading targets. (F) Distribution of shifts in the PES across all sessions in the two monkeys.