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. 2022 Feb 14;9(1):ENEURO.0080-21.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0080-21.2021

Table 2.

Overview of publications on volumetric, functional connectivity, and structural connectivity in BN and BED

Study Subjects Gender
x¯ (SD)
x¯ (SD)
Diagnosis Method Findings
  Amianto et al. (2013a)g BN (13) 13/0 22 (3) 22 (2) SCID DSM-IV-TR VBM BN>HC, increased volume
GM: left PCL, precuneus, left putamen, left insula
HC (14) 14/0 24 (3) 21 (2) HC>BN, reduced volume
GM: caudate, right thalamus
  Berner et al. (2018)g BN and BN-spectrum (60) 60/0 18.8 (4.1) 22.4 (2.4) Patients, N.R. Cortical thickness, ROI BN>HC, increased
Cortical thickness: left ventral PCC
HC (54) 54/0 19.2 (5.5) 21.9 (2.1) HC>BN, reduced
Cortical thickness: pars triangularis, right SPC, left dorsal PCC
  Berner et al. (2019)g BN and BN-spectrum (62) 62/0 18.8 (4) 22.4 (2.5) SCID DSM-IV-TR, EDE VBM HC>BN, inward deformations (vertex indices)
right anterior lateral and medial pallidum; internal and external GP
HC (65) 65/0 19.3 (5.7) 22.6 (2.8) N.S.
  Canna et al. (2017)g BN (13) 13/0 27.2 (2) N.R. Patients, SCID
HC (16) 16/0 26.1 (3.5) 21.1 (1.6)
  Coutinho et al. (2015)g BN (21) 21/0 31.57 (8.27) 21.39 (2.36) Patients, DSM-IV Drawn ROIs HC>BN, reduced volume
GM: caudate nucleus
HC (20) 20/0 30.9 (8.79) 22.11 (3.2)
  Cyr et al. (2017)*f BN (33) 33/0 16.5 (1.5)–18.1 (1.5)–19.3 (1.5) 22.1 (2.8)–23.2 (2.8)–23.8 (2.7) Patients, 22 DSM-5, 11 OSFED-BN Cortical thickness, ROI, follow-up HC>BN, reduced thickness
Right inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis and pars orbitalis (OFC), consistent over all time points
IFG opercularis on baseline, 12 months, 24 months, but not 36 months follow-up (N.S.)
HC (28) 28/0 16.2 (2.1) –17.3 (2.1)–18.8 (2.3) 21.4 (3.5)–22.6 (3.5)–23.9 (4.9) Correlations
Thickness frontal pole correlated negatively with objective binge eating episode frequency, baseline only
Average thickness lateral OFC and IFC orbitalis correlated negatively with frequency vomiting, over all time points
  Frank et al. (2013)g BN (19) 19/0 25.2 (5.3) 22.6 (5.7) Patients, SCID DSM-IV VBM BN>HC, increased volume
GM: left OFC, left anterior ventral insula, GR
HC (24) 24/0 27.4 (6.3) 21.6 (1.3) HC>BN, reduced volume
GM: dorsal caudate, right dorsal putamen
WM: right MTL, right IFG
  Joos et al. (2010)g BN (17) 17/0 24.5 (4.8) 21.1 (2.5) DSM-IV VBM N.S.
HC (18) 18/0 26.9 (5.7) 21.2 (2)
  Marsh et al. (2015)g BN (34) 34/0 21.6 (6) 22.1 (2) SCID DSM-IV-TR Cortical thickness BN>HC, increased volume
GM: MOG, IOG, LG, right IPL
WM: reflective of these results
HC (34) 34/0 22.08 (6.5) 22.13 (2.3) HC>BN, reduced volume
GM: MFG, PreCG, ITG, PCC, right PostCG, right SPG, right cuneus, left IFG, left LSG, left precuneus, left FG
WM: reflective of these results
  Mettler et al. (2013)g BN (20) 20/0 25.2 (5.3) 22.59 (5.69) Patients, DSM-IV-TR VBM N.S.
HC (21) 21/0 27.5 (6.6) 21.55 (1.19)
  Wagner et al. (2006)f BN, recovered (10) 10/0 24 (6.1) 23.1 (2.4) Ex-patients, recovery 29.8 (18.1) months VBM N.S.
When covarying for age, BN>HC GM insula
HC (31) 31/0 26.8 (7.3) 21.9 (2)
  Wallace et al. (2020)f BN-spectrum (247) 169/78 19.43 (1.23) N.R. EDI-3 Bulimia subtest, score >0 Cortical thickness Negative correlation with bulimia scores in thickness
GM: OFC, insula, left S1/S2, left IPC
  Westwater et al. (2018)g BN and BN-spectrum (33) 33/0 22.6 (4.13) 23.9 (3.1) N.R., EDE, EDE-Q Cortical thickness, and per vertex connectivity Negative correlation EDE-Q BN symptoms with cortical thickness
GM: rPostCG, right rostral MFG, rITG, rSFG, lOFC, lIPC, lMTG, left caudal MFG
Areas with reduced cortical thickness show increase in structural connectivity estimation (per vertex, T1 MPRAGE)
  Voon et al. (2015)g BED (20) 12/8 43.95 (9.47) 34.12 (5.49) DMS-IV-TR VBM, ROI HC>BED, reduced volume
GM: medial OFC, caudate, left VS, left lateral OFC
OB (20) 9/11 44.7 (10.12) 32.88 (3.53)
  Schafer et al. (2010)g BED (17) 17/0 26.4 (6.4) 32.2 (4) DSM-IV-TR VBM BED>HC, increased volume
GM: ACC, medial OFC
BN (14) 14/0 23.1 (3.8) 22.1 (2.5) BN>HC, increased volume
GM: medial OFC, VS
HC (19) 19/0 22.3 (2.6) 21.7 (1.4) BN>BED, volume
GM: VS, DS, left lateral OFC, left medial OFC
Structural connectivity**
  Canna et al. (2017)g BN (13) 13/0 27.2 (2) N.R. Patients, SCID
HC (16) 16/0 26.1 (3.5) 21.1 (1.6)
  Frank et al. (2016)g BN (25) 25/0 24.64 (4.22) 23.56 (5.89) Patients, SCID
Diffusion, PFT BN>HC, increased connectivity, left hemisphere
pI an dAI to: medial PFC, middle OFC, VS
vAI to: middle OFC, VS
VS to: inferior OFC, GR
HC (26) 26/0 24.39 (3.49) 21.61 (1.21) BN>HC, increased connectivity, right hemisphere
pI to: VS
dAI to: medial PFC, middle OFC
VS to: medial OFC
HC>BN, reduced, left hemisphere
vAI to: inferior OFC, CeA
Hypothalamus to: middle OFC
Medial PFC to: GR
HC>BN, reduced, right hemisphere
BLA to: dAI, VS
CeA to: hypothalamus
  He et al. (2016)g BN (28) 28/0 21.32 (6.11) 21.95 (2.13) SCID DSM-IV-TR DTI, TBSS HC>BN, reduced
FA: FMajor, Fminor, SLF, IFOF, ATR, CST, UF, cingulate gyrus
HC (28) 28/0 20.61 (6.12) 22.18 (2.14) BN>HC, increased
RD: FMajor, Fminor, IFOF, ATR, CST, cingulate gyrus, left SLF
  Mettler et al. (2013)g BN (20) 20/0 25.2 (5.3) 22.59 (5.69) Patients, DSM-IV-TR DTI BN>HC, increased
ADC: CR into ALIC, corpus callosum, left IFOF, left UF, left EC
HC (21) 21/0 27.5 (6.6) 21.55 (1.19) HC>BN, reduced
FA: CR into PLIC, corpus callosum
  Wang et al. (2019)g BN (48) 48/0 22.0 (3.4) 21.0 (2.6) Patients, DSM-IV, MINI DTI, nodal, NBS BN>HC, increased
Nodal strength: left superior OFC, ITG, insula, hippocampus, PHG, thalamus
Local efficiency: left superior OFC, STG, ITG, superior temporal pole, thalamus, amygdala
HC (44) 44/0 23.1 (1.7) 20.5 (1.4) HC>BN, reduced
Nodal strength: left ACC, right precuneus
Global efficiency: left GR, right OFC, insula, putamen, pallidum, amygdala, PreCG, PostCG, SMG, precuneus, FG
Local efficiency: right PreCG, precuneus
  Estella et al. (2020)g BED (17) 17/0 33.82 (7.2) 36.07 (0.8) DSM-5, EDE DTI, TBSS BED>OB, increased
FA: Fminor
AD: left SLF, cingulum (ACC, PCC), corpus callosum
OB (BED controls; 13) 13/0 38.03 (9.7) 33.64 (4.7) BED>HC, increased
Right Fminor, SLF
Left ILF, Fmajor, IFOF
Bilateral ATR
HC (non-OB; 17) 17/0 34.70 (11.0) 22.50 (2.0)
Functional connectivity
  Amianto et al. (2013b)g BN (12) 12/0 23 (5) 21.57 (2.38) Patients, DSM-IV RS, ICA BN>HC, increased connectivity
Cerebellum (IX, X) to: left insula, TL
Lateral cerebellum, ACC, precuneus
HC (10) 10/0 24 (3) 21.35 (3.16) HC>BN, reduced connectivity
Cerebellum (IX, X) with PL
Right IFG
  Canna et al. (2017)g BN (13) 13/0 27.2 (2) N.R. Patients, SCID
RS, VMHC HC>BN, reduced
VMHC: FL, from OFC to dlPFC
Coherence: Slow-4 and Slow-5 for OFC-dlPFC cluster
HC (16) 16/0 26.1 (3.5) 21.1 (1.6)
  Lee et al. (2014)g BN (20) 20/0 22.9 (3.9) 21.6 (2.3) Patients, SCID, DSM-IV RS, ROI, seed-based BN>HC, increased synchrony
dACC to: left OFC, right precuneus, medial OFC
HC (20) 20/0 23.3 (1.8) 19.9 (1.9) HC>BN, reduced synchrony
dACC to: left PHG
  Spalatro et al. (2019)f BN (16) 16/0 21.56 (2.35) 21.84 (2.35) Patients, SCID DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 RS, ROI BN>HC, increased neural variability (SD)
Slow-4: ventral attention network
Slow-5: N.S.
HC (17) 17/0 23.27 (2.19) 21.42 (1.85)
  Wang et al. (2020)g BN (51) 51/0 N.S. 20.8 (2.2) Patients, DSM-IV, MINI RS, ROI, seed-based BN>HC, increased connectivity
Right DC to bilateral putamen, GP, caudate, thalamus
Putamen (DCP, DRP, VRP) to thalamus, GP, putamen
HC (53) 53/0 N.S. 20.4 (1.7) HC>BN, reduced connectivity
VS to PreCG, PostCG, OG
Putamen (DCP, DRP, VRP) to right SFG/MFG
  Oliva et al. (2019)f BED and BED-spectrum (19) 15/4 23.89 (3.4) 22.53 (2.04) Eating attitude test (EAT-26), >1 episode per month RS, ROI, seed-based BED>HC, increased
N.S. for seeds left putamen, ITG, SPL
N.S. correlation with impulsivity scores
HC (20) 15/5 25.31 (3.2) 21.25 (2.07) HC>BED, reduced
Degree centrality: right MFG, left MTL/ITL, SPL, insula
Connectivity: right MFG to right anterior insula, rMFG to rMFG/IFG
  Stopyra et al. (2019)g BN (29) 29/0 27.45 (10.55) 21.33 (2.99) Patients, SCID
RS, ICA, ROI, seed-based BN>HC, increased connectivity
ICA: right dorsal medial PFC
HC (BN controls; 30) 30/0 26.86 (6.59) 21.85 (1.80) OB>BED, reduced connectivity
ICA: right medial dACC, right dorsal medial PFC
BED (27) 23/4 38.39 (13.06) 32.64 (4.13) BED>OB, increased connectivity
seed-based with dACC: right cerebellum, right LG
OB (BED controls; 28) 24/4 39.40 (10.48) 33.58 (4.54) HC>BN, reduced connectivity
ICA: left medial dACC, left ventral medial PFC
ICA: right dorsal medial PFC, left MFG, left AG
seed-based with dACC: RSC
ICA: left medial dorsal PCC
seed-based with dACC: left PreCG, right PostCG, left SMA

Abbreviations general: N.S. = not significant, N.R. = not reported.

Abbreviations subjects: BN = bulimia nervosa, BED = binge eating disorder, HC = healthy control, OB = obese control, EDIBul = bulimia symptoms on eating disorder inventory.

Abbreviations diagnosis: SCID = structured clinical interview for the DSM, DSM = diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-IV-TR = DSM IV textual revision, OSFED = other specified feeding or eating disorders, EDE = eating disorder examination interview, EDI = eating disorder inventory.

Abbreviations method: VBM = voxel-based morphometry, ROI = region-of-interest analysis, Ica = independent component analysis, RS = resting state, VMHC = voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity, DTI = diffusion tensor imaging, TBSS = tract-based spatial statistics, PFT = probabilistic fiber tractography, NBS = network-based statistic.

Abbreviations findings general: GM = gray matter, WM = white matter, FA = fractional anisotropy, ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient, RD = radial diffusivity.

Abbreviations findings gyri: MOG = middle occipital gyrus, IOG = inferior occipital gyrus, LG = lingual gyrus, AG = angular gyrus, MFG = middle frontal gyrus, IFG = inferior frontal gyrus, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, PreCG = precentral gyrus, PostCG = postcentral gyrus, ITG = inferior temporal gyrus, MTG = middle temporal gyrus, STG = superior temporal gyrus, SPG superior parietal gyrus, LSG = lateral superior gyrus, FG = fusiform gyrus, PHG = parahippocampal gyrus, GR = gyrus rectus, SMG = supramarginal gyrus.

Abbreviations findings cortex: PCC = posterior cingulate cortex, (d)ACC = (dorsal) anterior cingulate cortex, OFC = orbitofrontal cortex, PFC = prefrontal cortex, SPC = superior parietal cortex, RSC = retrosplenial cortex, S1/S2 = somatosensory cortex, IPC = inferior parietal cortex.

Abbreviations findings other areas: SMA = supplementary motor area, PCL = paracentral lobule, TL = temporal lobe, PL = parietal lobe, FL = frontal lobe, MTL = medial temporal lobe, ITL = inferior temporal lobe, IPL = inferior parietal lobe, SPL = superior parietal lobe, VS = ventral striatum, DS = dorsal striatum, DC = dorsal caudate, GP = globus pallidus, DCP = dorsal caudal putamen, DRP = dorsal rostral put., VRP = ventral rostral put., CeA = central nucleus amygdala, BLA = basolateral amygdala, pI = posterior insula, dAI = dorsal anterior insula, vAI = ventral anterior insula, Cerebellum (IX,X) = vermis and paravermis of cerebellum, lobule IX/X.

Abbreviations findings WM: SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus, ILF = inferior longitudinal fasciculus, IFOF = inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, UF = uncinate fasciculus, ATR = anterior thalamic radiation, CST = corticospinal tract, FMajor = major forceps, Fminor = minor forceps, CR = corona radiata, ALIC = anterior limb of internal capsule, PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule, EC = external capsule. *Age and BMI are displayed as baseline, follow-up 1, and follow-up 2. ** Structural connectivity can be measured with a number of different techniques (e.g., diffusion tensor imaging, probability tracking, TBSS), and do not necessarily give perfectly comparable results. Values such as FA and MD are not specific (increase in FA and decrease in MD reflects reduction in WM integrity), and differences could be attributed to myelin integrity, axonal diameter, axonal density, less coherent orientation of axons, etc. Higher RD is however more specific to myelin loss, and lower AD to axonal degradation (although there are exceptions; see Aung et al., 2013; Solowij et al., 2017). g and f refer to the quality assessment done by two independent raters (for more details, see Concluding Remarks, Quality assessment). Represents a good (≥7.5) or a fair (4–7.5; out of 10) rating, respectively.