Figure 3.
Loss of heterozygosity events and their impact on prognosis
(A) Chromosomal arm spread of LOH burden distinguishes two patterns, arm-wide spread, and heterogeneous spread. Gene density does not associate with LOH burden spread.
(B) Distribution of number of TSGs in LOH status, stratified by asCN. CN-LOH is the second most common event of LOH for TSGs (after Hemi-del), while Gain-LOH and Amp-LOH, albeit less common, are present in a significant portion of samples.
(C) Volcano plot showing coefficient and significance of Cox proportional hazards models testing asCN and SNV status of tumor suppressor genes using PFI as endpoint. Analysis performed on diploid samples with tumor type as covariate.
(D and E) PFI survival curves, corresponding to (C) analysis, of selected tumor suppressor genes CDKN2A and MEN1. SNV related curves are omitted due to low numerosity. p-values from log rank tests and Cox proportional hazards models.