Fig. 1.
Neuropsychological test scores of patients with and without clinically relevant sleep disturbances at the PDSS-2. Patients with clinically relevant sleep disturbances (PDSS-2 ≥ 18; orange columns) performed worse than patients without sleep disturbances (PDSS-2 < 18; blue columns) on neuropsychological tests assessing attention, executive functions, and language. Values are presented as means and standard errors, adjusted for age, disease duration, LEDD, and years of education (analysis of covariance). PDSS-2 values are presented as a logarithmic scale. CBT Corsi’s block tapping test, CVF category verbal fluency, DCT digit cancellation test, FAB frontal assessment battery, PAL paired associate learning, PVF phonemic verbal fluency, RCPMT raven colour progressive matrices test, TMA trail making test A, TMB trail making test B. *Statistically significant difference (p < 0.05)