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. 2022 Feb 19;10(1):462–474. doi: 10.1007/s40615-022-01236-3

Table 2.

Semi-structured interview guide for LWBF program participants

First, let talk about your personal experience with LWBF
1. Please tell me about yourself:
 • Probe: your job, how long have you lived in this community, and when did you start participating in LWBF?
2. How did you first hear about LWBF?
3.What made you want to sign up for the program?
4. Think of all the programs you have participated in; can you pick the top three that you found to be more beneficial to you
 • Probe: How have you used what you are learning in the program in your daily life? Give examples where possible
5. Thinking of LWBF, tell me about one of the most important things you got out of the program?
6. How has the program or your participation in the program impacted your community?
 • Probe: Are there any organizational or community changes due to the program
7. What other changes have you seen in your community as a result of the program?
8. Do you think there was anything missing in the program? What can be done to improve it?
 • Probe: What are the strengths of the program? What are the weaknesses of the program?
9. Do you feel you have enough opportunities to use the skills you gained from the program?
 • Probe: How can you be supported in utilizing skills/knowledge from the program
We are almost done, just a few more questions on LWBF and COVID-19
10. Tell me how the LWBF program has been impacted by COVID-19? Probe: Your participation and the functioning of the program in general
11. What have you heard about the COVID-19 Vaccine? How did you hear about it?
12. Has your participation in the program helped you in any way to understand COVID-19 better? How?
13. Do you think the vaccine is a good solution to the pandemic?
14. COVID-19 vaccination is ongoing – Where you vaccinated? Do you think most LWBF participants have been or will be vaccinated – why? How about the broader African American population, why?
15. What challenges did you face, or you think you will face in getting vaccinated? How can these challenges be addressed?
16. Do you have anything else you want to say about your experiences with LWBF, that I did not ask about?
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview!