Fig. 8.
m6A reader YTHDF3 decreases DICER1-AS1 stability of PC cells in response to glucose deprivation. A The DICER1-AS1 level was detected by qRT-PCR in BxPC-3 and PANC-1 cells under glucose starvation (Glu(-)). B Luciferase activity of BxPC-3 and PANC-1 cells transfected with pGL3 reporter vector containing DICER1-AS1 promoter was measured during normal or glucose starvation environment. C The effects of glucose starvation on the RNA half-life (t1/2) time of DICER1-AS1 in PC cells. D Online bioinformatics tools m6A2Target database ( and m6A-Atlas database ( suggested that DICER1-AS1 has m6A sites and was the potential target of YTHDF3. E Boxplot showing the differential expression of YTHDF3 between PC tissues and normal tissues from the GEPIA database ( F The expression correlation between YTHDF3 and DICER1-AS1 of PC tissues from the TCGA database. G Kaplan–Meier curves showing the survival of PC patients from the TCGA database with a low and high level of YTHDF3 using a log-rank test (cutoff value = 2819.87). H After knockdown or overexpression of YTHDF3, the expression of DICER1-AS1 was evaluated by qRT-PCR in BxPC-3 and PANC-1 cells. I The MeRIP‐qPCR showed the m6A modification was highly enriched within DICER1-AS1 in PC cells. J RIP assay showed the enrichment of DICER1-AS1 with YTHDF3 protein by using the anti-YTHDF3 antibody in PC cells. And the co-precipitated RNA was subjected to qRT-PCR for DICER1-AS1. K RIP assay showed the effects of YTHDF3 on the enrichment of DICER1-AS1 with YTHDF3 protein. L The MeRIP‐qPCR showed the effects of YTHDF3 on the enrichment of m6A with DICER1-AS1. M The effects of YTHDF3 on the RNA half-life (t1/2) time of DICER1-AS1 in actinomycin D-treated PC cells. N RIP assay showed the enrichment of DICER1-AS1 on YTHDF3 protein in BxPC-3 cells cultured in a normal or glucose-free medium for 48 h. O The MeRIP‐qPCR showed the m6A modification level of DICER1-AS1 in BxPC-3 cells cultured in a normal or glucose-free medium for 48 h. P RIP assay showed the enrichment of DICER1-AS1 on YTHDF3 protein in BxPC-3 cells transfected with siNC or siYTHDF3#1 in the normal or glucose-free medium. All data were presented as means ± SD of at least three independent experiments. Values are significant at aP < 0.05, bP < 0.01 and cP < 0.001 as indicated