Figure 4:
In vivo voltage imaging of the pharyngeal muscle activity of adult C. elegans under stimulated starvation and bacterial feeding conditions. (A) Bioluminescent voltage signals recorded from the pharynx of transgenic animals expressing AMBER. The scale bar length is 500μm. (B) Terminal bulb action potential traces reconstructed using experimental recordings (N= 200 samples) obtained from the individual animals under different conditions. A modified sparse sampling approach was applied to reconstruct the traces. Bootstrap sampling (N= 3000 samples) of the recorded data increased the signal-to-noise ratio of the representation of the ground truth signal. (C) Electropharyngeogram kinetics reconstructed using experimental recordings (N= 200 samples) obtained from the individual animals under different conditions. A modified sparse sampling approach was applied to reconstruct the traces after Bootstrap sampling (N= 3000 samples).The different colors of the traces correspond to different animals.(n= 5 animals for Serotonin treatment; n=3 animals for bacterial feeding; Bootstrap Sampling)