Figure 4.
IgG-S response in naïve vaccinees.
IgM-S (panel a) and IgG-S (panel b) measures in naïve vaccinees according to time of examination (T0, T1 and T2) and time of IgM-S positivity (IgM-SNEG, n = 572, blue dots; IgM-SPOST1, n = 593, red dots; IgM-SPOST2, n = 418, purple dots). Being all naïve subjects, no individuals had detectable IgM-S at T0. Predicted means of ln(IgG-S) measures (with the 95% confidence interval) according to time of examination and time of IgM-S positivity (panel c) were obtained by a two-level linear regression model. Statistically significant p-values of the difference in the predicted means between consecutive times of examination at the same time of IgM-S positivity and between different times of IgM-S positivity at the same time of examination are reported in panel b. The horizontal lines indicate the cut-off value to discriminate positive and negative samples for each assay.