#Participants, #trials |
48, 128 |
47, 600 |
31, 192 |
45, 600 |
Scoring algorithm |
Double difference of median RTs for correct responses (Heuer et al., 2007) |
d’ (Hautus, 1995; Miller, 1996; Williams & Kaufmann, 2012) |
D-score for IATs that require a correct response for continuing to the next trial (Greenwald et al., 2003) |
Stop-Signal Reaction Time, integration method (Hedge et al., 2018; Logan, 1981) |
Scoring conditions (#trials) |
Approach gambling (32), avoid gambling (32), approach neutral (32), avoid neutral (32) |
Go (450), no-go (150) |
Congruent practice (24), incongruent practice (24), congruent test (72), incongruent test (72) |
Go (450), stop (150) |
Stimuli (#trials) |
32 Stimuli (2 approach, 2 avoid) |
5 stimuli (90 go, 30 no-go) |
4 categories (2 × 6 practice, 2 × 18 test) |
None |
Trial sequence |
Scoring conditions and stimuli in random order |
Stimuli in sequence, scoring conditions random within stimuli |
Scoring conditions in sequence, stimuli alternated between target and attribute |
Scoring conditions: stop delay based on go performance |
Design interactions |
None |
Stimulus with first-second half |
Scoring with first-second half and stimulus with odd-even |
Scoring with odd-even |