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. 2022 Feb 20;25(3):413–434. doi: 10.1007/s10567-022-00385-5

Table 1.

Characteristics of Included Studies

Source Design; comparison group(s) Sample size Parent age M (SD); female, % Study population Country Race/ethnicity majority, % Child age
M (SD) or range; Boys, %
Intervention name; duration E-health method Relevant findings
M (SD) or b (p)c
Study quality ratingb
Controlled studies (n = 30)
 Baker et al. (2015) Controlled; waitlist 15 39; 80 Parents of adopted children USA Caucasian, 73.3 3.51a; 60 Emotional attachment and emotional availability (EA2); 6 weeks Online video-conferencing

PSI: I: 225 (26.6)

C: 233.6 (30.9)

 Book et al. (2020) RCT; active (no video) 50 36.6a; 85 Parents of children scheduled for inguinal hernia repair Germany NR 2.6; 76 Video educating parents on hernia repair; NR Online video

STAI: I: 50 (10)

C: 58 (11)

 Boyle et al. (2017) RCT; Standard Care 200 36.05a; 100 Mothers of children with a food allergy United Kingdom “Non-white”, 59 4.00a; 61 Psychoeducation food allergy information; 6 weeks CBT sessions with phone calls

STAI-S: I: 31.9 (10.2)

C: 34 (10.2)

STAI-T: I: 35.9 (10.1)

C: 37.2 (9.1)

PSS: I: 14.5 (6.5)

C:15.3 (6.1) 

 Breitenstein et al. (2016) RCT; active (health promotion) 83 30–49 (63.3%); 100 Low-income, ethnic minority parents USA

African-American, 64.6

Hispanic, 30.4

3.52; 57 The ezPARENT Program; 12 weeks App

PSI-SF: I: 70.2 (19.3)

C: 70.95 (21.0)

 Cernvall et al. (2015) RCT; waitlist 58 38 (7.2); 67 Parents of children with cancer Sweden NR Median = 5; 46 Self-help CBT principles; 10 weeks Online modules

BDI-II: I: 12.9 (9.5)

C: 19.8 (8.3)

BAI: I: 10.1 (10.0)

C: 11.3 (9.4)

PCL-C I: 35.9 (14.5)

C: 45.1 (13.0)

 David et al. (2017) (Study 1) RCT; Waitlist 42 32.9 (5.3); 86 NR Romania NR 5.9 (2.6); NR Attention Bias Modification (ABM); 1 week Online sessions

PSS: I: 34.7 (6.0)

C: 35.2 (11.36)

 David et al. (2017) (Study 2) RCT; active (no ABT) 53 35.9 (5.3); 91 NR Romania NR 6.45 (3.3); NR Rational Positive Parenting program (Rppp) + ABM; 1 week Online sessions/ modules

PSS: I: 32.5 (9.1)

C: 28.6 (7.86)

 Ehrensaft et al. (2016) RCT; waitlist 52 24.37a; 100 Young post-secondary mothers USA NR 2–6; NR Triple P Online (TPOL); 12 weeks Website

PSI- SF: I: 70.5 (18.6)

C: 77.5 (17.67)

 Farris et al. (2013) RCT; Active (Face-to-face intervention, booklet) 133 30.7 (5.9); 100 NR USA European-American, 81.6 2–3; 47 Adventures in Parenting; 12 weeks Booklet with web sessions

SCL-D: I: 51.01 (5.21)

C: 52.1 (6.6)

SCL-A I: 44.1 (8.1)

C: 43.1 (9.2)

SCL-GS: I: 49.4 (6.73)

C: 50.2 (8.1)

 Fortier et al. (2015) RCT; Standard care 80 32 (5); 92.3 Parents of children undergoing surgery USA Caucasian, 76.9 4.35a; 56 WebTIPS; 7 days Website

STAI: I: 32.7 (7.9)

C: 36.8 (7.1)

 Franke et al. (2020) RCT; waitlist 53 38.16a; 18.8 Parents of children with ADHD symptoms New Zealand European, 79.2 4; 71.7 TPOL; 16 weeks Online modules

DASS-A: I: 3.01 (4.2)

C: 5 (6.41)

DASS-D: I: 3.53 (4.0)

C: 6.96 (7.2)

DASS-S: I: 9.65 (7.0)

C: 13.9 (8.0)

 Hemdi and Daley (2017) RCT; TAU 62 33.64a; 100 Mothers of children with ASD Saudi Arabia NR 4.89a; N/a “Models of stress and coping”; NR App

HADS-A: I: 7.59 (2.09)

C: 7.83 (2.64)

HADS-D: I: 3.84 (2.49)

C: 11.36 (3.42)

PSI-SF: I: 116.18 (12.7)

C: 139.4 (13.34)

 Jones et al. (2017) RCT; waitlist 97 36.63a; 78 Parents with a bipolar diagnosis United Kingdom Caucasian, 94.8 6.64; 2.08 Integrated bipolar parenting intervention (IBPI); 16 weeks Online modules

PSI: I: 82.5 (18.9)

C: 94.3 (23.9)

 Kierfeld et al. (2013 RCT; waitlist 48 NR; NR Parents of children with externalizing behaviour problems Germany German, 83.3 5.2 (.8); 50 “Behavioural family intervention”; 11 weeks Self-help book with telephone

DASS: I: 55.3 (8.94)

C: 68.9 (20.3)

 Lefever et al. (2017) RCT; waitlist 371 28.9 (5.8); 100 Parents at-risk of child maltreatment USA Hispanic, 46 4.6 (0.57); 56 Parent–child interaction (PCI); 1.5–4 weeks In-person sessions with telephone

BDI-II: I: 7.45 (6.05)

C: 7.66 (6.56)

 MacKenzie and Hilgedick (2000) Controlled; No intervention, or Active (booklet) 46 35.7 (5.1); 89.7 Parents with well-adjusted pre-school children USA Caucasian, 82.1 4.3 (0.73); 49.1 Computer-Assisted Parenting Program (CAPP); 4 weeks Online modules

PSI: I: 117.19 (22.3)

No intervention: C: 123.73 (23.2)

Booklet: C: 120.5 (19.6)

 Mascarenhas et al. (2018) RCT; Waitlist 64 37, 100 Exercising for parents USA Caucasian, 67 2.85a, NR The Moms Online Video Exercise (MOVE); 8 weeks Website with video-conferencing and mobile apps

PROMIS- A: (b = -1.1, p = .50)

PROMIS-D: (b = -3.0, p = .05)

 Mindell et al. (2011) RCT; No intervention (regular routine) 264 30–39 (59%); 100 Parents of children with sleep disturbances USA NR 1.61 (.74); 49.6 Individualized recommendations for child sleep; 3 weeks Internet


I: 5 (7.9)

C: 5.08 (8.7)

 Monaghan et al. (2011) RCT; waitlist 24 34.8 (6.2); 88 Parents of children with Type 1 diabetes USA Caucasian, 75 4.1 (0.8); 50 The Supporting Parents Program; 3 weeks Telephone sessions

STAI-S: I: 37.4 (11.6)

C: 37.5 (11.6)

CESD: I: 13.5 (9.0)

C: 16.33 (11.5)

 Patton et al. (2020) RCT; waitlist 42 35.2 (5); 97.6 Parents of children with hypoglycemia USA Caucasian, 95.20 4.4 (1.4); 59.5 REDCHip; 10 weeks Online video-conferencing

HFS-PYC: I: 61.67 (19.27)

C: 66.8 (12.8)

PIP: I: 72.06 (27.9)

C: 68.39 (30.9)

 Potharst et al. (2019) RCT; waitlist 67 36.20; 100 Mothers with elevated stress levels Netherlands NR 3.5; 43 “Mindful parenting training”; 10 weeks Online modules

PHQ-4: I: 3.11 (3.18)

C: 3.3 (3.1)

PSQ: I: 14.5 (2.8)

C: 14.2 (3.3)

 Raj et al. (2015) RCT; active (web resources) 37 32.66a; 95 Parents of children hospitalized due to Traumatic brain injury USA Caucasian, 62 5.4 (2.1); 68 I-InTERACT; 6 months Web-based parent program + video-conferencing

CESD: I: 12.71 (11.35)

C: 7.73 (6.4)

SCL: I: 50.47 (12.74)

C: 52 (9.8)

PSI: I: 54.31 (36.4)

C: 52.2 (33.8)

 Sanders et al. (2008) RCT; delayed intervention 454 NR; 94.7 N/a Australia White, 94.7  5.5 (2.24); 64.8 Driving mum and dad mad; 10 weeks TV series

DASS-T: I: 23.4 (23.9)

C: 29.7 (26.9)

 Sanders et al. (2014) RCT; active (booklet) 193 38.18a; NR Parents of children with of disruptive behaviour problems New Zealand European, 90 5.63 (1.64); 67 TPOL; NR Online modules

DASS-A: I: 1.65 (2.8)

C: 2.04 (3.6)

DASS-D: I: 3.52 (5.36)

C: 3.86 (5.91)

DASS-S: I: 6.9 (5.7)

C: 7.7 (6.7)

 Sheeber et al. (2012) RCT; TAU 70 31a; 100 Mothers with depression USA Caucasian, 93 4.6a; 50 Mom-Net; 14 weeks Online modules

BDI:II: I: 13.4 (10.4)

C: 22.5 (11)

 Sheeber et al. (2017) RCT; waitlist 266 31.8 (7.2); 100 Low-income mothers USA

Caucasian, 79.3

Hispanic, 11.7

4.4 (1.3); 48.8 Mom-Net; 26 weeks Online modules

PHQ-9: I: 6.27 (5)

C: 7.9 (5.4)

 Sourander et al. (2016) RCT; active (education) 464 NR; NR Parents of children with disruptive behaviour problems Finland NR 4; 61.9 Strongest families smart website; 11 weeks Online sessions

DASS: I: 14.9 (1)

C: 17.6 (1)

 Sveen et al. (2016) RCT; waitlist 62 37.35a; 68 Parents of children with severe burns Sweden NR 5.80a; 55 Caring for a child with burns; 6 weeks Online modules

MADRS: I: 4.6 (6.3)

C: 6 (6.9)

PSS: I: 23.3 (7.3)

C: 22.9 (9)

PSI: I: 50.7 (10.6)

C: 51.1 (20.6)

 Wang et al. (2018) Controlled; standard care 101 31–40 (55%); 72 Parents of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia China Han Nationality, 99 3–7 (47%); 64 Care assistant; 3 months App

SDS: I: 49.1 (12.2)

C: 49.5 (10.8)

SAS: I: 50.6 (12.9)

C: 55.9 (13.7)

 Whitney and Smith (2015) RCT; waitlist 120 41 (N/a); 100 Mothers of children with socially disruptive conduct behaviour USA Caucasian, 91 1.6–5; 72 NR; 8 weeks Online journaling

PSI-SF: I: 36.97 (1.12)

C: 35.4 (0.79)

Pre-post studies (n = 8)
 Fidika et al. (2015) Pre-post 23 37 (6.2); 91.3 Caregivers of children with cystic fibrosis Germany NR 5.8 (4.8); 53.8 WEP-CARE; 3.5 months Writing-therapy

HADS-A: pre: 11.4 (2.6), post: 6.7 (2.6)

HADS-D: pre: 16.96 (6.6), post: 12.09 (7.04)

 Nicholson et al. (2009) Pre-post 22 36.59 (8.3); 100 Mothers with serious mental illness USA Caucasian, 77.2 0–5 (26.9%); 48.1 Family options; 6 months In-person sessions with phone calls

PSS-FOA: pre: 16.95 (11.45), post: 14.4 (12.86)

BSI: pre: 62.86 (10.69), post: 60.9 (11.6)

 Piotrowska et al. (2020) Pre-post 456 37.7 (8.7); 62.9 Parents of children with conduct problems Australia NR 5.8 (3.5); 60.3 ParentWorks; 6 weeks Online modules K6: Pre: 16.39 (6.3), post: 13.15 (6.5) 63.6
 Rayner et al. (2016) Pre-post 11 40.2 (6.7); 100 Parents of seriously ill children Australia NR 3.0 (3.6); 50 TAB Online; 2 months Video-conferencing

DASS-A&D: pre: 7.43 (9.23), post: 6.98 (8.59)

DASS-S: pre: 12.4 (8.9), post: 11.89 (8.2)

PCL-C: pre: 34.2 (12.3), post: 33.27 (11.7)

 James Riegler et al. (2020) Pre-post 41 M > 30; “Predominantly men” Military veterans USA NR 5.95 (1.85) Online parenting ProTips (OPPT); 14 weeks Earpiece telehealth with online modules

CESD: pre: 23.49 (13.1), post: 20.65 (13.06)

PSI: pre: 93.37 (25.64), post: 79.1 (26.5)

 Skranes et al. (2015) Pre-post 99 33.1 (5.9); 100 Parents of “sick children” Norway NR 1.6 (1.6); NR

Sick Child; 6 to 12 months

Website PHCS: pre: 12 (3.7), post: 12 (3.9) 54.5
 Wade et al. (2007) Pre-post 5 38.4 (N/a); 100 Parents of children with sleep problems USA Hispanic, 60; African-American, 40 4.9; 20 “Two-session Group parent training”; 28 days In-person workshop with telephone

BDI-II: pre: 3.33 (1.2), post: 1.37 (0.89)

PSI-SF: pre: 10.4 (12.7), post: 2.2 (2.7)

 Wright et al. (2017) Pre-post 32 35.1 (5.8); 78 Parents of children receiving surgery Canada Caucasian, 81.3 5.2 (1.04); 69 I-PPP; NR Online modules STAI-S: pre: 35.32 (10.8), post: 30.87 (10.2) 72.7

M mean; SD standard deviation; b beta regression coefficient, p p value, I intervention group, C control group, NR not reported, RCT randomized controlled trial, TAU treatment as usual, BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory, BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, DASS Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS-A DASS anxiety scale, DASS-D DASS depression scale, DASS-S DASS stress scale, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS-A HADS anxiety score, HADS-D HADS depression score, HFS-PYC Hypoglycemia fear survey for parents of young children, K6 K-6 Psychological Distress Scale, MADRS Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale, PHQ-4 & 9 Patient Health Questionnaire, POMS Profile of Mood States, POMS-D POMS depression score, PROMIS Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System, PROMOS-A PROMIS anxiety score, PROMIS-D PROMIS depression score, PIP Pediatric Inventory for Parents, PSI Parenting Stress Index, PSI-SF PSI- Short Form, PSS Perceived Stress Scale, PSQ Perceived Stress Questionnaire, PHCS Perceived Health Competence Scale, PCL-C PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version, SCL Symptom Checklist 90-R, SCL-A SCL anxiety score, SCL-D SCL depression score, SCL-GS SCL global severity of symptoms score, SDS Symptom Distress Scale, STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, STAI-S STAI state anxiety scale, STAI-T trait anxiety scale

aWeighted average

bNIH Quality Assessment Tools ratings (total scores converted to percentages)

cOnly one study did not provide means and standard deviations, in this case CMA computed an effect estimate based on sample size and p value