a. Sucrose consumed during ad libitum and food deprived test days (n = 5). Miniscope headmount did not disrupt normal intake behaviors. b. Examples of individual cell traces aligned to initiation of a multi-pellet bout. c. Average trace of all tracked cells aligned to bout consumption on food deprived test day. d. TSNE plot of clusters for multi-pellet bouts during the ad libitum state. e. Average trace of Onset activated neurons (cluster 1). f. Average trace of Pre-onset activated neurons (cluster 2). g. Total proportion and overlap of enkephalin neuron subpopulations modulated by multi-pellet bouts (pink), food sniffs (orange), rearing (blue), and grooming (brown). h. TSNE (left) and mean Z-scored traces (right) of food sniffing behavior sorted by kmeans clustering. i. TSNE (left) and mean Z-scored traces (right) of rearing behavior sorted by kmeans clustering. j. TSNE (left) and mean Z-scored traces (right) of grooming behavior sorted by kmeans clustering. All error bars represent ± SEM (a) or SEM is represented by the shaded region surrounding the trace (c, e, f, h, i, j).