Figure 3: Candidate EV-miRNA target genes comparison to PBMC gene expression changes in CHD macaques.
A) Venn diagram comparison of target genes from upregulated EV-miRNA with downregulated DEG from PBMC (Sureshchandra et al., 2019). B) Venn diagram comparison of target genes from downregulated EV-miRNA with upregulated DEG from PBMC. C) GO Biological process enrichment of genes in common from (A) and (B) where the X-axis is log10(q-value) or -log10(q-value), respectively. D) miRNet network visualization generated using miRNet of candidate upregulated miRNA (green squares), their validated gene targets from miRTarBase (grey circles), and the validated targets that are common with the downregulated PBMC DEG (blue circles). The size of the miRNA square represents how many validated targets that miRNA has.