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. 2022 Feb 7;13:785196. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.785196



Genome-based predictions (average correlation between observed and predicted values) of potato breeding clones and cultivars in Helgegärden site for total tuber weight (TTW), tuber weight with size below 40 mm (TW < 40), tuber weight with 40–50 mm size (TW 40–50), tuber weight with 50–60 mm size (TW 50–60), tuber weight above 60 mm size (TW > 60), and tuber starch percentage (Starch) considering single environment pseudo-diploid (A) (model 1) (1A), additive tetrasomic polyploid (B) (model 1) (1B), full tetraploid (C) (model 1) (1C), and B-C (model 2) (2) and multi-environment pseudo-diploid (A) (model 3) (3A), additive tetrasomic polyploid (B) (model 3) (3B), full tetraploid (C) (model 3) (3C), and B-C (model 4). These models (1–4) combined marker matrices A, B, and C (1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 4) were combined with linear kernel GB (GBLUP) and non-linear kernel GK (Gaussian kernel).