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. 2022 Feb 7;12:796715. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.796715



Research design for resolution of the plasmid profile of Salmonella strain Sa42 and the corresponding transconjugants by S1-PFGE. (A) Plasmids pBackZero-ISEcp1 and pBackZero-IS15DI were transferred to (B) strain Sa42 by transformation and generated (C) Sa42-TC1 and Sa42-TC2, respectively, (D) which were then conjugated to E. coli J53 to produce the transconjugants Sa42-TC4 and Sa42-TC5 that carry fusion plasmids. (E) Plasmids in strain Sa42, Sa42-TC1, Sa42-TC2, Sa42-TC3, Sa42-TC4, and Sa42-TC5 by S1-PFGE. Conjugation of Sa42 to E. coli J53 produced Sa42-TC3. The sizes of plasmids in Sa42-TC4 and Sa42-TC5 were different from the one in Sa42-TC3. Red arrow depicts original ISEcp1 in plasmid pSa42-91k, purple arrow denotes insertion sequences ISEcp1 or IS15DI being cloned into pBackZero-T vector.