Facebook Metric | FB/Hablemos de Lupus,a n | FB/Falando de Lúpus,b n |
People reacheda | 18,511,763 | 551,077 |
Total video viewsb | 5,604,905 | 161,168 |
Video watches at 95%c | 814,181 | 25,307 |
People engagedd | 1,254,526 | 44,587 |
Sharese | 243,325 | 6,075 |
Likesf | 338,336 | 15,891 |
Commentsg | 25,841 | 2,380 |
Followersh | 64,434 | 15,917 |
Metrics are estimates provided by Facebook for the first trimester since each page was launched.
aLet Us Talk About Lupus in Spanish, launched on May 5, 2017.
bLet Us Talk About Lupus in Portuguese, launched on May 6, 2018.
cTotal number of times the videos were watched at 95% of its length.
dTotal number of unique users engaged in certain ways with a post (e.g., by commenting on, sharing, or clicking upon particular elements of the post).
eTotal number of times users shared a post with other people.
fTotal number of times users liked a post.
gTotal number of times users commented a post.
hTotal number of unique users who have chosen to “follow” the page to receive updates in their timeline.
FB indicates Facebook.