Interconnections between trigeminal (CN V) and facial nerve (CN VII). Figure (A) shows how the great superficial petrosal nerve (GSPN) is formed and connects with branches of maxillary nerve (V2). Any tumor that reaches the pterygopalatine fossa (PPF) can evolve to PNS along the GSPN and other segments of CN VII. Also, because the GSPN passes underneath the Meckel’s cave, any tumor that reaches the trigeminal cavity can easily involve the GSPN. Diagram (B) indicates the connection between auriculotemporal nerves (branch of mandibular nerve V3, passes into the parotid gland along the posterior margin of the mandibular ramus) with the CN VII through lesser petrosal nerve. Figure (c) depicts the course of chorda tympani nerve branching off the mastoid segment of CN VII until it joins the lingual nerve after exiting the skull through the petrotympanic fissure [7,10,11,35]. DPN: Deep petrosal nerve; gg: Ganglion; n: Nerve, TMJ: Temporomandibular joint.