Table 2. Association between gSG6 IgG seroprevalence (%) and malarial endemicity (PfPR2-10).
Table shows the odds ratio (OR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI), p-value, as well as the predicted gSG6 IgG seroprevalence and associated 95%CI† for associations between endemicity class (categorical: derived from P. falciparum parasite rates in 2–10 year olds [PfPR]) and anti-gSG6 IgG seropositivity.
Malaria endemicity class* | OR | 95% CI | p-Value | Predicted gSG6 IgG seroprevalence (%) | 95% CI |
Eliminating malaria(PfPR <1%) | Ref. | 20.0 | 8.3–31.7 | ||
Hypoendemic(PfPR 1-10%) | 2.04 | 1.43–2.90 | <0.001 | 33.7 | 18.9–48.5 |
Mesoendemic(PfPR 10-50%) | 4.19 | 2.80–6.08 | <0.001 | 51.5 | 34.6–67.7 |
Hyperendemic(PfPR 50-75%) | 3.36 | 1.98–5.71 | <0.001 | 46.5 | 27.4–63.8 |
Holoendemic(PfPR >75%) | 14.4 | 9.72–21.36 | <0.001 | 78.2 | 66.8–89.7 |
*Generalised linear multilevel modelling (mixed effects, logistic) estimating the association between anti-gSG6 IgG seropositivity and endemicity class with random effects for study-specific heterogeneity in gSG6 IgG. Model fitted to n = 297 study-specific observations from 22 studies. Of note, nine studies that measured Plasmodium spp. prevalence and IgG antibodies to gSG6 were excluded from this analysis as eight only reported gSG6 IgG levels and one was a case–control study. Endemicity class membership is derived from PfPR from The Malaria Atlas, 2017 (MAP) using cut-offs taken from Bhatt et al., 2015, or where MAP data were unavailable, endemicity was included as indicated in the study.
†Predicted gSG6 IgG seroprevalence (predicted probability in the average study) is estimated from generalised linear multilevel modelling (mixed effects, logistic).