Weekly number of ED visits for anaphylaxis and epinephrine prescribing rate during August 4, 2019-April 3, 2021, Symphony Health Integrated Dataverse. A) Weekly number of ED visits for anaphylaxis; B) Epinephrine prescribing rate. Epinephrine prescriptions included those for auto-injectors and pre-filled syringes. The red line represents the weekly proportion of ED visits with ≥1 epinephrine prescription (pharmacy claim) within 30 days, regardless of whether the medication was dispensed. The blue line represents the weekly proportion of ED visits with ≥1 dispensed prescription (paid pharmacy claim) for epinephrine during the 90 days to 1 day prior to the visit, regardless of whether epinephrine was prescribed within 30 days. We assessed the latter proportion to evaluate the degree to which prescribing after visits may have been influenced by the existence of prior prescriptions.