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. 2022 Feb 2;158(1):39–72. doi: 10.1007/s10533-021-00884-7

Table 1.

Important site and stand properties of the study sites Mangfallgebirge, Tuttlingen, Bärenthal, and Schänis

Mangfallgebirge S Tuttlingen
Bärenthal Schänis
Location Bavarian Limestone Alps ––––––––––––- Swabian Alb ––––––––––––––- Swiss Alps
Elevation [m a.s.l] ––––––––– 1000 ––––––––- ––––––––- 790 ––––––––– 750 730
Aspect North South North-east South-west None (plateau) West
Slope inclination [°] ––––––––- 35 –––––––- –––––––– 25 –––––––– 2 30
Bedrock Triassic dolostone (Norian “Hauptdolomit”) Jurassic limestone (Oxfordian)

Jurassic limestone


Tertiary sediments Carbonate conglomerate
Bedrock P content [mg g−1] 0.14 0.15 0.65 0.14 0.15 0.27
Bedrock carbonate content [mg g−1] 996 950 960 985 949 518
Dominating soil types (WRB, 2015) –––––––– Rendzic Leptosol (Endoleptic Cambisol) ––––––––––––- Endoleptic Cambisol Eutric Cambisol
MAT [°C]
Long-term average* –––––––––- 6.5 –––––––––- –––– 6.6 (2002: 14.3)* –––––- 6.6* 7.0
Site 2017/18: 6.8 2017/18: 7.3 ––––––- 2002: 13.9 ––––––– ND 7.0
Topsoil Temp. (5 cm) 2017/18: 6.8 2017/18: 7.6 2002: 12.2 2002: 13.2 ND ND
MAP [mm]
Long-term average* –––––––––- 1995 ––––––––– ––––– 856 (2002: 551)* ––––– 856* 1965
Site –––––- 2018/19: 2150** –––––– 2002: 602 2002: 784 ND 1965
Stand age [yr] ––––––––- 200–300 –––––––– ––––––––- 85–95 –––––––– Mature 150
Tree species composition

Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies,

Abies alba, Acer pseudoplatanus

Fagus sylvatica (> 90% basal area)

(Picea abies, Acer pseudoplatanus)

Fagus sylvatica (Fraxinus excelsior, Acer pseudoplatanus, Abies alba, Picea abies)
Basal area [m2 ha−1] 35 45 27 20 ND 49
Foliar P (beech) [mg g−1] 1.28 1.43 1.18 1.06 ND 1.13
Litterfall [kg ha−1 yr−1] 2946** 4745** 2019: 6266*** ND ND 4347
Litterfall P [kg ha−1 yr−1] 1.73** 1.39** 2019: 2.73*** ND ND 3.69
Data source **Kohlpaintner and Göttlein (2020), otherwise own data

Nahm et al. (2006)

***calculated from data received by H. Puhlmann (pers. Comm)

*Nearby station Tuttlingen of German Meteorological Service