Fig. 3.
A) PCA of immune transcriptomic data from saliva samples of the different disease categories analyzed using all genes from the panel detected above the background. B) Volcano plot showing the DEGs between hospitalized and non-hospitalized saliva samples. C) Boxplots of the most relevant genes from the comparison of hospitalized vs. non-hospitalized saliva samples and the P-value of the statistical test. D) Heatmap and cluster analysis of the DEGs between all categories in saliva samples. Only genes with a log2FC |>1| were represented. Gene clusters were generated using k-means partitioning. E) Upsetplot of the common DEGs between categories compared in saliva samples. Bubble plot represents log2FC and adjusted P-value from the 18 DEGs between severe and all remaining categories. Green color in gene names indicates genes also included in the hospitalized signature. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)