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. 2022 Feb 22;12(2):e8641. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8641


Model summary for the highest ranked model (IndirectKill + IndirectLion; eqn. 3) from the iSSFs of coyote (Canis latrans) habitat selection and movement under varying assessments of mountain lions (Puma concolor; risk) and kills made by mountain lions (reward)

Predictor β SE z p
StepLength −0.001 0.018 −0.051 .959
ln(StepLength) 0.047 0.015 3.145 .002
IndirectKill 0.019 0.014 1.303 .193
IndirectLion −0.056 0.020 −2.861 .004
BareGround −0.175 0.043 −4.087 <.001
Herb 0.117 0.024 4.963 <.001
SageHeight 0.004 0.014 0.282 .778
ShrubHeight 0.077 0.017 4.521 <.001
DistRoads 0.004 0.021 0.170 .865
DistAspen −0.091 0.112 −0.813 .417
DistFor 0.015 0.065 0.230 .818
Elev −0.184 0.107 −1.723 .085
TPI −0.039 0.011 −3.509 <.001
TRI 0.051 0.025 2.049 .040

Covariates include habitat variables, movement parameters, and indirect assessments of mountain lions and their kills. Indirect metrics were quantified based on predictions of the probability of occurrence for risk and reward based on habitat associations. The following are provided for each predictor: beta coefficient (β), robust standard error estimate (SE), z‐score (z), p‐value (p). Coyote, mountain lion, and kill site data collected during May 2017–September 2020 in southwestern Wyoming, USA. Boldface indicates variables where p < .05.