FIG. 2.
hXB130-GFP is recruited to intracellular and central lumens when expressed in Xb130−/− thyrocytes in 3D culture. Primary thyrocytes harvested from Xb130−/− mice at PW2 were cultured for three days in a six-well plate and then transfected with vector containing GFP or human XB130 tagged with GFP. At 24 hours post-transfection, cells were harvested and cultured in Matrigel for 2–3 days. (A, B) Thyrocytes were stained with ezrin/GFP. (C) Thyrocytes were stained with phalloidin/GFP. Arrows: cell interphase and central lumen; arrowheads: intracellular lumen. Color images are available online.