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. 2022 Feb 22;7(1):e01408-21. doi: 10.1128/msystems.01408-21


Number of prokaryotic accessions in NCBI-nr or AnnoTree that have map to a class in the classification systemsa

Classification NCBI-nr (no.) AnnoTree (no.) Ratio
NCBI taxonomy 182,329,414 106,052,079 1.72
GTDB taxonomy 126,956,422 106,052,079 1.2
EC 4,501,593 2,962,187 1.51
eggNOG 4,274,800 3,506,041 1.21
InterPro 19,748,423 11,069,757 1.78
KEGG 8,218,708b 56,577,432 0.15
SEED 31,117,272 16,183,436 1.92

For two different taxonomical classifications (NCBI and GTDB) and for five different functional classifications (EC, EGG, InterPro, KEGG, and SEED) supported by MEGAN, we report the number of prokaryotic accessions in NCBI-nr or AnnoTree that have a mapping to a class in the classification and the corresponding ratio.


MEGAN ultimate edition.