Table 4. Baseline and 1-year CFA test result, CFA score and Mf positivity amongst individuals with positive CFA tests at baseline who were reevaluated one year after treatment.
Total n (%) | DA n (%) | IDA n (%) | ||
Baseline CFA status | CFA positive | 645 (100) | 309 (100) | 336 (100) |
FTS Score 1a | 180 (28) | 85 (28) | 95 (28) | |
FTS Score 2a | 234 (36) | 106 (34) | 128 (38) | |
FTS Score 3a | 228 (35) | 115 (37) | 113 (34) | |
Baseline Mf status | Mf positiveb | 137 (22) | 69 (23) | 68 (21) |
Mf geometric mean (Mf/ml) and 95% CI | 110 (88–139) | 100 (74–136) | 121 (85–172) | |
1-year CFA status | CFA positiveb | 475 (74) | 225 (73) | 250 (74) |
FTS Score 1a | 147 (31) | 69 (31) | 78 (31) | |
FTS Score 2a | 174 (37) | 73 (32) | 101 (40) | |
FTS Score 3a | 154 (32) | 83 (37) | 71 (28) | |
1-year Mf status | Mf positivec | 13 (3.1) | 11 (5.3) | 2 (0.9) |
Mf geometric mean (Mf/ml) and range | 45 (26–77) | 54 (29–100) | 17 (17–17) | |
1 year clearance | Mf clearanced | 89.3% | 83.6% | 96.3% |
CFA clearancee | 26.4% | 27.2% | 25.6% |
DA: diethylcarbamazine and albendazole; IDA: ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine and albendazole; CFA: circulating filarial antigen; FTS: Filarial Test Strip (Alere); Mf: microfilariae.
a % represent the proportion of FTS test score (1 = weak positive, 2 = medium positive, 3 = strong positive) divided by the total number of CFA positive tests; Baseline FTS scores were not recorded for 3 participants in DA arm.
b Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline (irrespective of Mf status) and found at year 1 follow-up for testing (DA N = 309; IDA N = 336; Total N = 645)
c Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline, found at year 1 follow-up, tested CFA positive at 1 year (N = 475) minus 51 with smears not collected or unreadable at the 1 year timepoint (DA N = 209; IDA N = 215; Total N = 424).
d Denominator is equal to total participants who were Mf positive at baseline, found at 1 year follow-up with Mf smear results (DA N = 67; IDA N = 54; Total N = 121).
e Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline, found at 1 year follow-up with CFA results (DA N = 309; IDA N = 336; Total N = 645).