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. 2022 Feb 9;16(2):e0010096. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010096

Table 4. Baseline and 1-year CFA test result, CFA score and Mf positivity amongst individuals with positive CFA tests at baseline who were reevaluated one year after treatment.

Total n (%) DA n (%) IDA n (%)
Baseline CFA status CFA positive 645 (100) 309 (100) 336 (100)
FTS Score 1a 180 (28) 85 (28) 95 (28)
FTS Score 2a 234 (36) 106 (34) 128 (38)
FTS Score 3a 228 (35) 115 (37) 113 (34)
Baseline Mf status Mf positiveb 137 (22) 69 (23) 68 (21)
Mf geometric mean (Mf/ml) and 95% CI 110 (88–139) 100 (74–136) 121 (85–172)
1-year CFA status CFA positiveb 475 (74) 225 (73) 250 (74)
FTS Score 1a 147 (31) 69 (31) 78 (31)
FTS Score 2a 174 (37) 73 (32) 101 (40)
FTS Score 3a 154 (32) 83 (37) 71 (28)
1-year Mf status Mf positivec 13 (3.1) 11 (5.3) 2 (0.9)
Mf geometric mean (Mf/ml) and range 45 (26–77) 54 (29–100) 17 (17–17)
1 year clearance Mf clearanced 89.3% 83.6% 96.3%
CFA clearancee 26.4% 27.2% 25.6%

DA: diethylcarbamazine and albendazole; IDA: ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine and albendazole; CFA: circulating filarial antigen; FTS: Filarial Test Strip (Alere); Mf: microfilariae.

a % represent the proportion of FTS test score (1 = weak positive, 2 = medium positive, 3 = strong positive) divided by the total number of CFA positive tests; Baseline FTS scores were not recorded for 3 participants in DA arm.

b Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline (irrespective of Mf status) and found at year 1 follow-up for testing (DA N = 309; IDA N = 336; Total N = 645)

c Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline, found at year 1 follow-up, tested CFA positive at 1 year (N = 475) minus 51 with smears not collected or unreadable at the 1 year timepoint (DA N = 209; IDA N = 215; Total N = 424).

d Denominator is equal to total participants who were Mf positive at baseline, found at 1 year follow-up with Mf smear results (DA N = 67; IDA N = 54; Total N = 121).

e Denominator is equal to total participants who were CFA positive at baseline, found at 1 year follow-up with CFA results (DA N = 309; IDA N = 336; Total N = 645).