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. 2022 Feb 22;3(2):100095. doi: 10.1016/j.xhgg.2022.100095

Table 1.

Sample sizes for each analysis, as of 06.18.21

Phenotype Controls Ancestry Sex-stratified Cases Controls Female cases Female controls
Susceptibility (06.18.21 release) Test negative OR not tested (population) ALL yes 18,481 468,839 9,757 254,472
EUR yes 16,551 442,699 8,767 240,532
AFR 557 7,087 316 4,043
SAS 810 8,607 351 3,980
OTHERS 563 10,446 323 5,917
nEUR 1,930 26,140 990 13,940
Test negative (tested) ALL yes 18,481 86,435 9,757 46,737
EUR yes 16,551 81,826 8,767 44,248
AFR 557 1,281 316 759
SAS 810 1,516 351 695
OTHERS 563 1,812 323 1,035
nEUR 1,930 4,609 990 2,489
Hospitalization (06.18.21 release) Not hospitalized (population) ALL yes 3,260 484,060 1,343 262,886
EUR yes 2,884 456,366 1,181 248,118
nEUR 376 27,694 162 14,768
Tested, not hospitalized (tested) ALL yes 3,260 101,656 1,343 55,151
EUR yes 2,884 95,493 1,181 51,834
nEUR 376 6,163 162 3,317
Test positive, not hospitalized (positive) ALL yes 3,260 15,221 1,343 8,414
EUR yes 2,884 13,667 1,181 7,586
nEUR 376 1,554 162 828
Severe COVID-19 (05.09.21 release) Not severe (population) ALL yes 1,244 486,076 439 263,790
EUR yes 1,120 458,130 387 248,912
Tested, not severe (tested) ALL yes 1,244 84,742 439 45,811
EUR yes 1,120 79,439 387 42,973
Test positive, not severe (positive) ALL yes 1,244 16,413 439 8,866
EUR yes 1,120 14,695 387 7,976
Death (05.09.21 release) Survivor (population) ALL 1,104 486,216 399 263,830
EUR 1,001 458,249 356 248,943
Tested, survivor (tested) ALL 1,104 84,882 399 45,851
EUR 1,001 79,558 356 43,004
Test positive, survivor (positive) ALL 1,104 16,553 399 8,906
EUR 1,001 14,814 356 8,007

ALL, all ancestries; OTHERS, ancestry different from EUR, AFR, and SAS; nEUR, non-EUR ancestry.