Figure 2.
FV expression in COVID-19, and correlation with clinical and laboratory parameters
(A) Correlation of plasma FV levels and peripheral blood cell FV gene expression in healthy controls and patients with COVID-19 (r = 0.17, p = 0.029). A, HCW screening asymptomatic; B, HCW screening symptomatic; C, hospitalized mild disease; D, hospitalized requiring oxygen; E, hospitalized, intensive care (see STAR Methods for details).
(B) LC-MS measurement of FV in protein lysates of neutrophil extracts from healthy controls and patients with severe COVID-19. FV levels were significantly higher in neutrophil lysates from patients with severe COVID-19 compared to healthy (p = 0.025).
(C) Correlation of plasma FV levels and FV module gene expression with predictors of disease severity and plasma protein levels (i-ii); or with B and T-cell counts (iii-vi). (i) FV plasma levels correlate with fibrinogen and IL6, whereas (ii) FV module gene expression correlated with predictors of disease severity (age, male gender, CRP) and increased plasma levels of IL6, IL1B, IL10, TNF and IFNγ. There was very little correlation between plasma factor V levels and T and B cell counts during the first 24 days after symptom onset (DPSO, iii) or after 24 days from the onset of symptoms (v). In contrast, FV module gene expression correlates with suppression of T-cell counts during the first 24 days post symptom onset (iv), and T and B cell counts after 24 days from the onset of symptoms (vi). p values are shown where significant. See also Figures S1 and S2.