Zoomed in regions of an axial image through the mesencephalon in DEC stTDI maps (a, c, e) and histological sections (b,d,f). Identified structures include: the oculomotor nerves, III; the commissura ansulata, Cans; the central zone of the optic tectum, CZ; the deep white zone of the optic tectum, DWZ, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, nMLF; the periventricular grey zone of the optic tectum, PGZ; and the superficial grey and white zone of the optic tectum, SWGZ. The DEC stTDI maps have 5μm isotropic resolution, and the color-coding indicates the local orientation (red: rostral-caudal, green: medial-lateral, blue: dorsal-ventral).