Figure 1 .
Ocular retinoid concentration and composition in Stra6−/− and WT mice. (A) Scheme of the visual cycle. RAL, retinaldehyde, RDH, retinal dehydrogenase, ROL, retinol, RPE65, retinoid isomerase. (B) Total ocular retinoid content of Stra6−/− and WT mice at different ages. (C) HPLC traces at 325 nm of ocular retinoid extracts of 1- and 8-month-old Stra6−/− and WT mice. The peaks for the individual ocular retinoids are indicated in the figure. Note that different retinal diastereomers were converted to the corresponding retinal oximes (ROX) during the extraction which exist as syn and anti isomers. (D) Spectral characteristics of individual ocular retinoids.