Pharmacological doses of retinol do not rescue the photoreceptor phenotype of Stra6−/− mice. (A) Scheme of the rescue experiment. One- and 8-month-old Stra6−/− mice were injected with three consecutive doses of ROL (1 mg per injection). Untreated control mice were constantly kept in darkness. (B, C) a- and b-wave amplitudes under scotopic conditions from 1-month-old treated and untreated Stra6−/− mice. (D, E) a- and b-wave amplitudes under scotopic conditions from 8-month-old treated and untreated Stra6−/− mice. (F, G) 11-cis-RAL concentration of 1-month-old ROL treated and untreated Stra6−/− and WT mice and (G) 8-month-old ROL treated and untreated Stra6−/− and WT mice. (H, I) RE concentration of 1-month-old ROL treated and untreated Stra6−/− and WT mice and (I) 8-month-old ROL treated and untreated Stra6−/− and WT mice. (J, K) b-wave amplitudes under photopic conditions from 1- and 8-month-old treated and untreated Stra6−/− mice. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005, ***P < 0.0001. Statistical analyses were performed by comparing age matched mice of both genotypes using unpaired two-tailed Student‘s t-test.