Figure 3.
CircTRRAP directly bound to miR-370-3p. (a) Target binding sites between circTRRAP and miR-370-3p were shown by CircInteractome. (b) RT-qPCR was used to analyze the transfection efficiencies of miR-370-3p and in-miR-370-3p. (c–e) Dual-luciferase reporter assay (c), RIP (d), and RNA pull-down assay (e) were applied to confirm the interactive relation between miR-370-3p and circTRRAP. (f) RT-qPCR was used to detect the level of miR-370-3p in normoxia or hypoxia (24 h) treated AC16 cells. (g) The miR-370-3p level was determined through RT-qPCR following transfection with si-NC, si-circTRRAP, si-circTRRAP+in-miR-NC, or si-circTRRAP+in-miR-370-3p. The experiments were repeated for three times with three paralleled samples. ∗P < 0.05.