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. 2022 Feb 9;13:745580. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.745580


Descriptive statistics and correlation of key variables (Study 1).

West (n = 151)
JP (n = 147)
Sample difference
Pearson correlational coefficients a
α M SD M SD t p d 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Age 33.23 11.50 38.37 9.45 4.22 <.001 0.49 −.003 .023 −.001 .029 .014 .030 .081 −.044 −.010 .199
2. CAB 66.62 21.10 62.95 18.04 1.61 .108 0.19 .160 .305 −.274 .490 .018 .015 −.040 .002 −.215 −.165
3. RAT 0.87 3.80 0.79 3.20 0.88 6.22 <.001 0.72 −.063 .453 −.259 .177 .071 .102 .011 .235 −.084 −.106
4. EXP 0.88 3.18 0.93 3.04 0.77 1.44 .151 0.17 .033 −.285 −.125 −.299 .029 −.201 −.139 −.147 .481 .372
5. CRT 1.63 1.18 1.44 1.09 1.47 .143 0.17 .098 .646 .342 −.335 .033 −.048 .097 .051 −.255 −.273
6. Cause 0.75 4.89 1.37 5.33 1.06 −3.09 .002 0.36 .054 −.151 −.066 .221 −.169 .053 −.057 .195 .081 .133
7. Contra 0.66 4.98 1.22 4.84 1.12 1.02 .307 0.12 −.031 −.104 −.068 .178 −.137 .015 −.035 .206 −.079 .121
8. Change 0.60 4.74 1.14 5.15 1.18 −3.00 .003 0.35 −.017 −.066 .016 .019 .079 −.162 .003 .014 −.199 −.161
9. Attention 0.64 4.51 1.30 5.28 0.91 −5.92 <.001 0.69 .001 .017 −.062 .024 −.052 .028 .097 −.075 −.045 −.069
10. BPA 0.94 2.24 1.03 2.87 0.83 −5.81 <.001 0.66 .126 −.389 −.192 .393 −.486 .283 .112 −.121 −.042 .534
11. BPS 0.79 2.53 0.68 2.87 0.53 −4.81 <.001 0.56 .183 −.339 −.211 .291 −.454 .353 .110 −.171 −.031 .674

aValues above the diagonal indicate coefficients for Japanese sample, and values below the diagonal indicates coefficients for Western sample. The coefficients shown in bold face were significant at p < .05. d, Cohen’s d statistics; α, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients; CAB, cognitive ability score described by unweighted mean POMP scores (0–100) of syllogism and subjective numeracy; RAT, rationality (five-point); EXP, experientiality (five-point); CRT, Cognitive Reflection Test; Cause, Causality scale of AHS (seven-point); Contra, Attitude toward Contradiction scale of AHS; Change, Perception of Change scale of AHS; Attention, Locus of Attention of AHS; BPA, belief in the paranormal (five-point); BPS, belief in pseudoscience (five-point). Of the above indicators, RAT and CRT are indices of Type-2 analytic thinking, whereas EXP is an index of intuitive thinking. All AHS subscales are indices of a holistic mode of thought.