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. 2022 Feb 9;13:745580. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.745580


Descriptive statistics and correlations of key variables (Study 3).

West (n = 135)
JP (n = 126)
Sample difference
Pearson correlation coefficients a
M SD M SD t p d 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. Age 32.91 11.42 36.62 8.99 −3.13 .002 0.36 .100 .124 −.032 .127 .077 .089 .026 .264 −.158 −.234
2. CAB 61.33 19.07 57.79 17.15 1.69 .092 0.20 −.079 .117 −.046 .454 .068 −.073 −.104 .022 −.053 −.089
3. RAT 3.69 0.71 3.15 0.79 6.18 <.001 0.72 −.118 .210 .026 .129 .208 −.120 .078 .099 −.063 −.037
4. EXP 3.65 0.72 3.32 0.67 5.29 <.001 0.61 .029 −.251 −.057 −.055 .114 .143 .226 .146 .038 .007
5. CRT 1.31 1.16 1.43 1.00 −0.99 .322 0.11 −.189 .376 .182 −.145 −.057 .062 −.305 −.096 −.143 −.059
6. Cause 5.07 0.88 5.43 0.90 −3.50 <.001 0.40 −.087 −.128 .079 .167 .075 .178 .262 .196 .046 .008
7. Contra 4.77 0.98 4.77 0.82 0.03 .978 0.00 −.053 −.111 −.222 −.024 −.179 .158 −.010 .053 −.040 .082
8. BPA 3.03 1.33 3.83 1.38 −5.15 <.001 0.60 .058 −.223 −.107 .385 −.225 .417 .070 .430 −.067 −.159
9. BPS 3.54 0.87 3.63 0.76 1.20 .229 0.14 .255 −.291 −.174 .283 −.338 .272 .161 .513 −.059 −.366
10. DTPA 0.36 0.33 0.38 0.27 −0.48 .630 0.06 .042 −.137 −.139 .224 −.048 .034 −.004 .085 .196 .164
11. DTPS 0.54 0.38 0.63 0.42 −2.00 .046 0.23 −.162 −.156 .007 .107 −.109 −.072 .087 −.087 −.046 .226

aValues above the diagonal indicate coefficients for Japanese sample, and values below the diagonal indicates coefficients for Western sample.

The coefficients shown in bold face were significant at p < .05. All scales except subscales of AHS (Cause and Contra; seven-point) are five-point scales. DTPA, Dialectic Thinking score for paranormal items; DTPS, Dialectic Thinking score for pseudoscience items.