Figure 1.
Tumor-infiltrating Treg cells showed higher expression of CCR4 than the peripheral circulation in breast cancer patients. (A) Representative flow cytometry data of CD4+CD25+CD127-FOXP3+ Tregs from the peripheral circulation of an age-/sex-matched healthy individual, breast cancer patient, and breast tumor tissue (left panel). In a scatter plot (n = 8; right panel), percent Treg populations from different cohorts were represented. (B) Comparative t-SNE analysis of CCR4+ (shown in red/CD4+CD25+CD127-CCR4+) and CCR4- (shown in green/CD4+CD25+CD127-CCR4-) Tregs within the proportion of CD4+ T cells in the peripheral circulation of an age-/sex-matched healthy individual and a breast cancer patient. (C) Graphical representation of percent CCR4+ cells in Th1, Th2, and Treg subpopulations in the peripheral circulation of age-/sex-matched healthy donors and breast cancer patients. (D) Flow cytometric representation of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+CCR4+ Tregs in the peripheral circulation of a healthy donor and a breast cancer patient, as well as tumor tissue (left panel). Percentage of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+, CD4+CD25+FOXP3+CCR4+, and CD4+CD25+FOXP3+CCR4- Tregs in the peripheral circulation of age-/sex-matched healthy donor and breast cancer patients, as well as tumor tissue (right panel). (E) Graphical representation of Ki67-mRNA expression in CCR4- and CCR4+ Treg compartments separated from peripheral blood and tumor tissue. As an internal control, GAPDH was used. The values are the mean ± SD of three sets of independent experiments.