Fig. 4. miR-15a and SMURF1 mediate HLC differentiation of BMSCs.
A RT-qPCR validation of miR-15a mimic transfection efficiency in HGF-treated BMSCs. B RT-qPCR validation of oe-SMURF1 overexpression efficiency in HGF-treated BMSCs. C Changes in the levels of hepatocyte-related genes after overexpression of miR-15a for 14 days determined by RT-qPCR. D Changes in the levels of hepatocyte-related genes after overexpression of SMURF1 for 14 days measured by RT-qPCR, E RT-qPCR to assess the ALB content in the culture supernatant of BMSCs after overexpressing miR-15a for 14 days. F RT-qPCR to evaluate the secretion of ALB of BMSCs after overexpressing SMURF1 for 14 days; G Glycogen content in BMSCs after overexpressing miR-15a or SMURF1 for 14 days detected by PAS staining. *p < 0.05 vs. BMSCs transfected with oe-NC or NC mimic. The cell experiments were repeated three times.