Fig. 3. EccDNA validation.
A Gel images for validated eccDNAs amplified with no gene ([chr5circle 151033-151034 kb]). B eccDNA amplified with multiple coding genes ([chr1circle 46219-52682 kb]). C eccDNA ([ROR2circle exon 1-5] and (D) [ROR2circle intron 4]) by outward PCR (blue arrows), inward PCR (black arrows), gel electrophoresis, schematic diagram and Sanger sequencing. EccDNAs are named according to gene content. blue boxes: exons. M: Marker. F: eccDNA of FaDu cells. D: eccDNA of FaDu/DDP cells. FG: genomic DNA of FaDu cells. DG: genomic DNA of FaDu/DDP cells. φF: phi29 (φ) amplified eccDNA of FaDu cells. φD: phi29 (φ) amplified eccDNA of FaDu/DDP cells. NTC: nontemplate control.